Corporation and Governors

East Coast College has a Governing Body which guides and monitors the strategic direction of the college. This Governing Body is called the Corporation.

Corporation are responsible for:

  • The determination and periodic review of the educational character and mission of the institution and for the oversight of its activities
  • Approving the quality strategy of the institution
  • The effective and efficient use of resources, the solvency of the institution and for safeguarding their assets
  • Approving annual estimates of income and expenditure
  • The appointment, grading, suspension, dismissal and determination of pay of senior post holders, including the Director of Governance
  • Setting a framework for the pay and conditions of service of all other staff

The Governors at East Coast College are a group of professional people from different industries that possess a wide range of skills and expertise. There are also staff and student Governors on the Corporation. They have strong links with the college’s senior management but are not involved in the day to day operation of the college.

East Coast College Governors

Details of the Corporation’s committee structure and membership

East Coast College Governance Team (221KB PDF)

Should you have any questions about the workings of the Corporation, wish to inspect the Governors Register of Interests, or are interested in becoming a Governor please do not hesitate to contact Wendy Stanger by email at

David Blake - Chair

David Blake - Chair

Kirk Lower – Vice Chair and Chair of Quality and Standards Committee

Kirk Lower – Vice Chair and Chair of Quality and Standards Committee

Tina Ellis - Vice Chair Community and Chair of ECETA

Tina Ellis - Vice Chair Community and Chair of ECETA

Rob Evans – Senior Independent Director

Rob Evans – Senior Independent Director

Peter Lavender – Chair of Curriculum Growth and Development Committee

Peter Lavender – Chair of Curriculum Growth and Development Committee

Ian Lomax - Chair of Finance and General Purposes Committee

Ian Lomax - Chair of Finance and General Purposes Committee

Jude Owens - Chair of People Committee

Jude Owens - Chair of People Committee

Giles Kerkham – Chair of Audit Committee

Giles Kerkham – Chair of Audit Committee

Mike Dowdall - Chair of Estates

Mike Dowdall - Chair of Estates

Teresa Sharman

Teresa Sharman

Rachel Kirk

Rachel Kirk

Lynne Doublet

Lynne Doublet

Dame Vicki Paterson

Dame Vicki Paterson

Graham Evans

Graham Evans

Katie Kerridge

Katie Kerridge

Madeleine Moretta

Madeleine Moretta

Alan Debenham - Associate Governor on People and Governance Remuneration and Search

Alan Debenham - Associate Governor on People and Governance Remuneration and Search

Sue Willgoss - Associate Governor Quality and Standards Committee

Sue Willgoss - Associate Governor Quality and Standards Committee

Peter Blackburn - Associate Governor Finance and General Purposes and Estates

Peter Blackburn - Associate Governor Finance and General Purposes and Estates

Amy Rust - Associate Governor Quality and Standards

Amy Rust - Associate Governor Quality and Standards

Wendy Stanger - Director of Governance

Wendy Stanger - Director of Governance