Apprentice: FAQs, Useful Links & Myth Busting

Myths Busted

Apprenticeships are only for school leavers:

There is no age limit for apprentices, however you do need to be at least 16 to enrol. You may need to be over 18 for some apprenticeships due to health and safety reasons, so
always check the requirements before applying. Apprenticeships can also be a great opportunity for a career change later in life.

Apprentices don’t get paid a lot:

The minimum wage for apprentices is currently £6.55, however your employer can decide to pay you more than the minimum. Some apprenticeships have a starting salary upwards of
20k, so it’s important to keep an eye out for the best opportunity to suit your situation.

Apprentices have to pay towards their training:

Incorrect! An apprentice cannot legally financially contribute to their apprenticeship training. The training costs are either paid by the government or your employer (depending on the circumstances at the time of enrolment).


Individual FAQs

What is an Apprenticeship?

An Apprenticeship is a genuine job and under all circumstances an Apprentice will be employed from day one. Apprenticeships combine practical training in a job, along with study.

An Apprentice will:

  • Work alongside experienced staff
  • Gain job-specific skills
  • Be given time for study related to their role

Is there any support available to find an Apprenticeship?

At East Coast College we have our own designated Apprenticeship team who are in regular contact with local companies and will be aware of any available Apprenticeship opportunities. If an employer doesn’t have a suitable candidate, we will support them to advertise their opportunity on the Find an Apprenticeship website.

Do I have to find my own employer?

As well as the Find an Apprenticeship website, we always recommend for individuals to send out a CV to employers (in the industry that you are interested in) with a covering letter explaining that you are looking to undertake an apprenticeship.

The National Careers Service provide information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work; if you need any assistance in updating or creating your CV, visit the how to write a CV webpage.

Employers may ask you to complete an unpaid work trial to ensure you possess the desired personal attributes and are suitable for the role.

If you do find an employer who is looking to take you on as an Apprentice, please email the Apprenticeship team at and we can support you with the process!

Do I have to attend college?

Apprenticeships in the below sectors have mandatory college attendance:

  • Engineering
  • Motor Vehicle
  • Welding and Fabrication
  • Construction
  • Building Services (Electrical)
  • Catering

If you do not have the required English and/or maths grade, additional attendance for Functional Skills will be mandatory for all Apprenticeships.


Useful Links

Apprenticeships Norfolk –

Apprenticeships Suffolk –


Apprenticeships UK –