Course: Policing

Study Level

Level 3


Lowestoft Campus


2 Years



Dreaming of a career in law enforcement? Whether you aspire to be a police officer, a police special, or a civilian role like a control room operator, the opportunities are vast and exciting!

This course provides a gateway into the field of law enforcement. We offer guidance and support tailored to your career aspirations. As you progress through the course, you may discover new interests within the diverse range of policing roles, and we’re here to assist you in navigating those changes as well.

Why Policing?

  • Make a Difference: Impact your community positively.
  • Dynamic Work: Face diverse challenges daily.
  • Career Growth: Explore numerous career paths within the service.

Our Programme:

  • NCFE Level 3 Extended Diploma in Policing: Equivalent to three A Levels, this two-year full-time course prepares you for direct entry into possible policing pathways or further education.

Why study with us?

  • You will be taught by industry specialists with years of experience in the police, forensics, and other uniformed services.
  • We have a direct partnership with Suffolk Constabulary, providing you with an opportunity for work experience, with modules delivered and work assessed directly by current officers through live scenario training.
  • We will support you to secure job interviews within the relevant sector and/ or a university placement upon successful completion of this course.
  • Tailored Guidance: We support your career aspirations and help you discover new interests within policing that you may not have previously considered.
  • Fitness Sessions: We help you reach the physical standards required for entry.
  • Expert Tutors: Assistance with selection exams and procedures.


You will need to have achieved a grade 4 or above in GCSE English and maths. However, candidates demonstrating strong academic potential may also be considered.


Assessment Methods for this course include:

  • Exams: There are NO exams within this programme
  • Role-play: Simulate real-life scenarios.
  • Presentations: Develop public speaking skills.
  • Essays: Create well-written reports.
  • Class Discussions: Engage in debates and idea exchanges.
  • Practical Testing: Apply skills in real-world settings.

Additional Activities:

  • Mock Scenarios: Practice operations and emergency responses.
  • Forensic Evidence Collection: Learn evidence preservation.
  • Drill Practice: Enhance precision and teamwork.
  • Physical Fitness Training: Meet entry-level fitness standards.
  • Self-Defence Techniques: Ensure personal safety.
  • Leadership Development: Refine leadership qualities.
  • Communication Training: Master police radio systems.
  • Community Engagement: Build trust within the community.
  • Duke of Edinburgh scheme: Each student has the opportunity to progress through Bronze, Silver and Gold.



Various routes to Policing are available, and our course provides the necessary information and tools to navigate your preferred path. We guide you through each option to ensure you make informed decisions.

Pathways to Policing after successful completion of this course:

  • Police constable degree apprenticeship (PCDA)
  • Degree holder entry programme (DHEP)
  • Degree in professional policing (PPD)
  • Police constable entry programme (PCEP)

Different Police Organisations you could consider after successful completion of this course:

  • Territorial Police Forces
  • British Transport Police (BTP)
  • Ministry of Defence Police (MDP)
  • Civil Nuclear Constabulary (CNC)
  • Royal Military Police (RMP)
  • Royal Navy Police (RNP)
  • Royal Air Force Police (RAFP)

Embark on this thrilling journey and prepare for a rewarding career in law enforcement!


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