How To Apply

How to apply

Our friendly Admissions team can support you with your application to college, and provide further information about the process. If you are looking for part-time courses, higher education or apprenticeships and would like to find out more please contact us on


Complete an application form on our website today! If you experience any difficulties, please call our Admissions team on 01493 418479 (Great Yarmouth) or 01502 535654 (Lowestoft).
We are happy to receive applications throughout the year, but advise you to submit yours as soon as you are ready.


Once we have received your application form, we will invite you to an interview which may be held at your school or you will be invited to attend at your preferred campus. The interview is a relaxed, informal discussion about your course choices and aspirations. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and discuss anything
related to your college application that you are unsure about. At the end of your interview we will confirm the outcome with you.

After your interview

If you are offered a place during your interview, you can expect to receive your offer letter via email. Sometimes it is necessary for further discussions to take place before an offer can be made but you will have been made aware of the reasons for this during your discussion. If you are undecided following your interview and would like to discuss your offer further, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


What to do next – Accepting your offer

Your offer letter will give you details of how to accept or decline your offer. If you are considering more than one course you can hold the offer of a place while you explore other course options. Once you have had all of your interviews, we ask you to make a decision on which course is your first choice. You can only accept one offer, however should you change your mind at a later date, you would have the option to switch your acceptance without requiring a further interview, provided spaces are still available.

We understand that some offers are based on achieving certain grades and will always support applicants to find alternative choices in the event that those grades are not achieved.
Once you have accepted your offer we will keep you up-to-date with details of your course to prepare you for when you start college.


GCSE results

We will be available on GCSE results day each August to give advice; call us if you have any questions or concerns about your course.

Sign Up


We will send you a letter with your individual enrolment date in July.
Classes will begin early September 2025, and full details will be provided at enrolment.

Watch our video on how to apply to East Coast College.

What stage are you at?

You will receive an acknowledgement letter, interview guide and financial support guide within one week of applying.

Following this, we will be in touch shortly to discuss your application or arrange an interview with a tutor from your area of interest.

We look forward to seeing you at your interview. Come along to the main college reception at your chosen campus a few minutes before your interview time. You are welcome to bring a parent, carer or friend with you.

If you can’t make your interview date please let us know as soon as possible. This will allow us to make an alternative date for you and offer your original space to someone else.

We have a team of progression advisors to help you with any questions you might have. Please contact us if you would like to talk to someone or arrange an appointment on 0800 854 695 or email us on

Please give us a call as soon as you can so that we can arrange a new appointment for you.

Congratulations that’s great news! We will write to you shortly with confirmation of your place and any agreed conditions of your offer.

Once you receive your offer we just need you to confirm you wish to accept the place by returning the acceptance slip (details will be on your letter).

If you have decided the course offered is not for you after all please let us know. You can return the slip or simply give us a call.

Sometimes there are reasons why we are unable to offer you a place. These reasons will have been discussed with you at interview. We will contact you if this is the case. Whatever the reason we have a team of progression advisors who will help you explore alternative courses and options that will be suited to you. If you have any questions please contact us.

Interview Guide

Why is a college interview important?

An interview is a chance for you to meet with a tutor who represents the college and the course you have applied for. It’s a great way to show your interest in the college, to start a relationship with the college staff and to show what you’re all about. Here are some tips to prepare you for your interview.

Before the interview

  • Make sure your application is fully completed, is neat and gives a good first impression. Put the date and time on your calendar, making sure you arrive no more than 15 minutes before your interview time and not late.
  • Research the college by checking out our website.
  • Make notes about why you want to attend East Coast College.
  • Make notes about your life outside the classroom, including activities, community service and hobbies.
  • Get familiar with common interview questions and do some practice interviews with a friend or family member. Take turns being the interviewee and the interviewer.
  • Prepare questions to ask the interviewer.
  • Get directions to the interview.
  • Dress smartly for your interview.
  • Gather the documents you need, including qualification certificates, portfolio work and your personal statement.
  • Let us know if you cannot attend your interview.

During the interview

Questions about how you would fit into college:

Tutors want to know that you’re really interested in their college and the course and what you can bring to the college.

Interviewers will ask questions like these:

  • Why have you applied for this course?
  • Why do you want to attend East Coast College?
  • What can you contribute to our college?
  • What knowledge do you have about the industry you have applied for?
  • What career ideas do you have?
  • English and maths? – make sure you know where you are at.

Questions about your personality:

Interviewers may ask questions like these to see that you can think and speak about yourself:

  • How would you describe yourself?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses? For example – Talk about how you’ve used your strengths to accomplish something. Talk about how you overcome your weaknesses e.g. “I have a hard time learning new languages, so I set aside more time to study them.”

Questions about activities, interests and goals:

Interviewers may ask questions like these to get to know you better and learn what’s important to you. Be honest and don’t say things just to impress. Remember to say why you like these things:

  • What activities and interests do you find most rewarding?
  • What is your favourite book?
  • What career would you like to progress on to?

More interview tips

  • Have a conversation: Don’t try to memorise a script, this won’t show you at your best.
  • Ask questions: make sure you ask questions and express your interest in the course and the college.
  • Be yourself. Don’t try to answer questions based on what you think the interviewer wants to hear.

Visit the Government careers advice for further information, advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work.

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