Foodbanks in Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth have benefited from a cheque for just over £2,000, thanks to generous donations by staff and students at East Coast College.
The money was raised through the FE Foodbank Friday initiative started back in April to tackle food shortages in the community throughout the coronavirus crisis.
East Coast College joined 10 colleges across the country at the start of lockdown to raise money for the cause, with a total of £2,021.12p raised by the college through a JustGiving page.
The money has now been split between the Lowestoft and Great Yarmouth Foodbanks giving them a much-needed financial boost ahead of the busy winter period.
Sam Porter, Operations Manager for Lowestoft Foodbank, said they had fed over 700 people in September compared to 450 the year before, showing just how important donations are at this time.
“It’s a wonderful gift that is going to benefit lots of people,” he said.
“We are only going to get busier as we move into the winter and people have to choose between heat and food, so this means we can help them with the food side.”
Mr Porter said they always welcome donations of items, and things which they are most in need of include tinned vegetables, tinned fruit, tinned desserts, biscuits and chocolate bars.

Liz Townson, distribution centre manager for the Great Yarmouth Foodbank, said they feed around 40 families a week at each of their three distribution centres in Gorleston and Great Yarmouth.
She said: “We are really thankful to all the staff and students who have got behind this to raise money for us. It will really make a difference and it’s nice to think that people are making an effort to support us.”
Donations of items they are most in need of include tinned meat, sugar and coffee.
The money was donated during Colleges Week 2020, a national celebration of all the brilliant things that colleges do, day in and day out to build communities, boost businesses, and support individuals.
Day four of the week was dedicated to showing how college’s support their local communities, and the donation to the foodbanks is just one way East Coast College demonstrates this.
Stuart Rimmer, CEO and Principal, said: “This is a real need in our community and the College is proud to be working with this campaign as we have for a number of years. Sadly, due to circumstances some of our students and their families are forced to use foodbanks. We need to do everything we can right now to support our community.”
East Coast College has pledged to continue fundraising for its local foodbanks as part of a new campaign, Festive FE Foodbank Friday. The college will be using its foodbank collection points to gather donations of much-needed items to donate before the Christmas break.
Anyone who would like to make a donation to the national fundraising page can visit https://www.justgiving.com/campaign/FestiveFEFoodbankFriday