Supporting your young person through Foundation and Progression

Successful transition of your young person is the cornerstone of our success. We have a transition lead to guide you and your young person through their mapped journey from enrolment throughout their learning experience in order to progress to supported or independent living, community provision or volunteering, further education and training or paid employment.

We have job coaches who help facilitate work placement opportunities or volunteering – this could be in our on-site café where they can learn barista skills or money management to ensure they gain the full toolkit of skills to access work for life. We also have intervention leads across both campuses to navigate any difficulties they might be facing throughout the time on their course.

Our co-educators provide support during lessons which can be assigned from one-to-one up to groups. These support experts ensure your young person progresses socially, emotionally and educationally within the learning environment.

There will also be a varying amount of enrichment opportunities for your young person to engage with, from sailing to working with regional employers on work experience.

To find out more, speak to our Curriculum Manager for Foundation and Progression, Alistair Campbell, by emailing